There are lots of different Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) to help you figure out when you are fertile and infertile each cycle. Some have a better efficacy than others, however choosing a method that you will actually follow is way better than badly following another “better” method.
The primary FABM discussed in this Facebook community is the Sympto-Thermal Method (Cervical Fluid + Basal Body Temperature Method). Here are a few FABMs, along with a few things that get commonly get mistaken as FABMS, which you can research further. Also included is the method’s correct/perfect use efficacy stats (effectiveness in avoiding pregnancy), if known.
This information is accurate to the best of my knowledge, however please seek out a method instructor for the most accurate and up-to-date information on that FABM.
- Simplified Methods
- Cervical Fluid Only Methods
- Cervical Fluid + Basal Body Temperature Methods
- Cervical Fluid + Luteinizing Hormone Methods
- Cervical Fluid + Hormone Monitor Methods
- Cervical Fluid + Basal Body Temperature + Hormone Monitor Methods
- Hormone Monitor Only Methods
- Basal Body Temperature Only Methods
- Basal Body Temperature + Luteinizing Hormone Methods
- Fertility Monitor Methods