Justisse Instructors

Annalise Yagya Jyoti is a Fertility Awareness Educador (FAE), Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner (HRHP), and Yoga Teacher. She teaches the Justisse Method and supports clients in learning to prevent pregnancy naturally, to prepare their bodies for pregnancy, and to learn more about their powerful cyclical nature.   https://www.mysticfemininefertility.com/  @mystic_feminine_fertility   mysticfemininefertility@gmail.com

Leilani Wong Navar has been a certified HRHP since 2010.  Her course is secular. Teaching cervical mucus, BBT, and cervical position. Consultations available online or in person in Boulder Town, Utah. I work with people TTA, TTC, postpartum, breastfeeding, in perimenopause, or any other reproductive health situation. I also offer holistic health education and coaching, and “deep dialogue” calls in the realms of Chinese medicine, dreams, and mythology. For more information, visit www.healgrowthriveflow.com.

Chloe Skerlak is a a Justisse Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and certified with the Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals. I teach a secular, sympto-thermal (mucus, temperature, and cervical position) method of fertility awareness for people trying to avoid, trying to achieve, and to better understand themselves and their health. I offer online private and group programs. I also teach in-person in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I hold online and in-person introduction sessions all over the world. Bonus! I facilitate Period Positivity Workshops for young people and Cervix Portrait Parities (will travel!). Find out more at www.chloeskerlak.com

Amy Hollon certified with Justisse and  is a member of AFAP.  Holds a BSc in Psychology, is a Postpartum Doula and Girl’s Circle Facilitator. Teaches online and local individual and group sessions. Personally got off hormonal birth control due to terrible side effects and has been charting and teaching successfully since 2010. Learn more at www.sweetkissfertility.com

Allison MacBeth.  Faculty member at the Justisse College, Board Member of the AFAP, Sex Educator since 2003. Working out of Vancouver BC but teach online through Skype. See website for list of services: www.bluepoppyhealth.com

Sarah Moloney

Sarah Moloney.  Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, certified fertility awareness educator teaching the Justisse Method of sympto-thermal FAM.  Meeting women where they’re at in health and life and helping to better their reproductive lives as a whole.  Teaching in person, groups or by media platform. Learn more at www.sacred-pregnancy.com

Amy Sedgwick is a member and trainer/mentor of the AFAP. World-wide online services. Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Toronto. Also certified as a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner through Justisse International and is currently on the faculty at Justisse, where she is completing a three-year advanced training as a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner Educator (HRHPE).  Contact her at www.redtentsisters.com

Rose Yewchuck.  Certified with Justisse College.  Faculty member at the Justisse College, 15+ years experience.  Member and trainer/mentor of the AFAP. Learn more at www.roseyewchuk.com

Lisa Hendrickson-Jack. Lisa is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner trained in the Justisse Method. She teaches women to chart their menstrual cycles for natural birth control, conception, and monitoring overall health. Lisa has a wealth of experience and has been teaching women to chart their cycles for nearly 20 years. She is the author of The Fifth Vital Sign, the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook, and she is the creator and host of The Fertility Friday Podcast. To learn more, visit www.fertilityfriday.com