
Getting Started With FAM
Start here if you’re new to FAM or need recommendations!

Abbreviations widely used within the community.

Charting Tools
Apps, thermometers (including Tempdrop), app predictions (including Daysy & Natural Cycles) & downloadable paper charts.

Cervical Fluid, Sensation & Cervix Resources
CM Project (gallery), Why Wipe?, Kindara articles, BIP, Medications & CM, Cervix photos, increasing CM, Sensation tips & tricks.

Quick Facts, Myths & FAQs
FAQs, polls, what NOT to do, can you ovulate twice in a cycle?

Additional Charting Resources
List of all types of FABMs, FAM Manuals, Postpartum, Night temping, TCOYF & Sensiplan Summaries & comparison.

Navigating the Fertile Window
Intentions scale, Withdrawal, Outercourse (alternative protected sex), efficacy rates, ovulation & conception statistics.

Other Useful Media
Scientific journals, podcasts, supplements, FAM friendly doctors..

Recommended Books
Fertility awareness, menstrual cycles & female health, menopause, relationships, men’s health, and pregnancy & birth related.